Remote Learning

Knowledge Organisers

So, what are Knowledge Organisers? In simple terms, they are tools that summarise the most important knowledge students need for a particular subject or topic. They include key facts, essential vocabulary, crucial dates, concepts, and processes. Think of them as a map of everything your child needs to know to confidently navigate their learning.

But why are they important?
Firstly, they help students focus on what really matters. There’s so much information out there, and it can be overwhelming. Knowledge Organisers simplify this into clear, manageable chunks, ensuring students spend their time learning what’s most essential.
Secondly, they support memory and long-term learning. Research in cognitive science tells us that to truly master a subject, we need to revisit and reinforce knowledge over time. Knowledge Organisers make this easier by providing a clear reference point for revision and practice.
Thirdly, they build independence. These organisers support students to take charge of their learning. Whether they’re revising for a test or catching up on missed lessons, they have a reliable guide to help them.
And finally, they close knowledge gaps. Not all students have access to the same resources outside school. Knowledge Organisers ensure that every child starts with the same core knowledge, giving everyone the opportunity to succeed.

 For parents and carers, these organisers are a great way to get involved in your child’s education. They offer insight into what your child is learning and provide a perfect resource for supporting revision at home.


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At the Open Academy we know that literacy underpins all subjects: without a good grasp of reading and writing skills, students will struggle to access the content of a lesson or express themselves in a coherent way. In order to give our learners the best access to education, all teachers in all subjects promote a high level of literacy in their lessons. This will be through the explicit teaching of skills and feedback on work. Our website contains a range of resources that you can use to help support your child at home. 

 Love Reading Literacy   









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