SMSC and British Values

At Open we Promote British Values actively through our everyday practice.
Open Academy is committed to serving its community. It recognises the multi-cultural, multi-faith and ever-changing nature of the United Kingdom. It also understands the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the academy, are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation by those wishing to unduly, or illegally, influence them.

Great Britain is a democracy. This means everybody can vote for who they want to represent them. Everyone has the right to vote and voting is the only way to ensure your opinion on how the country works is heard.
In Britain the Rule of Law is upheld. The law applies equally to everyone. If accused of a crime you have the right to a fair trial and a judge will deliver the sentence.

Respect is one of the core values at Open, repeated both in our motto and rules. It is also a basic value in our society. We are all different but we accept and respect each other for our differences.
We may not always agree but we respect each other’s thoughts, feelings and right to be different
You are free to express yourself and be who you want to be in Britain and at Open. You will not, be judged for your beliefs or your sexual orientation or gender.

We challenge stereotypes and unfairness at Open Academy.

Britain is a country of religious freedom as is Open Academy. You are free to believe what you wish. This is a basic freedom enjoyed by all our citizens. Our community is made up from people from all over the world, who follow many different religions. This diversity adds to our cultural richness.

We are proud of our differences at Open Academy.

Weekly Core Values

At the Open Academy we have a weekly assemblies build around our Core Values as well as the thought for the week delivered during tutor time. The Core Values allow students to learn more about, and reflect daily, on many Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural elements. All students study Religious Studies through a combination of taught lessons, tutor time and Curriculum Enrichment days through key stage 3, 4 and 5.

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) provision at Open Academy
At the Open Academy, our mission statement ‘Learning Excellence’ exemplifies our holistic approach to the importance of the development of every aspect of SMSC. Student experiences and curriculum ensure that our students are well-rounded and conscientious individuals.

We aim to ensure:
• That the local and academy community are aware of our values and principles
• A consistent approach to the delivery of SMSC issues through the curriculum and school life
• We know every student and ensure that their education is meaningful and appropriate to their age, aptitude and background
• That students have a good understanding of their responsibilities within the ‘Open’ Community and how to exercise them

SMSC opportunities

Spiritual Development

  • Sustain their self-esteem in their learning experience
  • Develop their capacity for critical and independent thought
  • Foster their emotional life and express their feelings
  • Experience moments of stillness and reflection
  • Discuss their beliefs, feelings, values and responses to personal experiences
  • Reflect on, consider and celebrate the wonders and mysteries of life

Moral Development

  • Recognise the unique value of every individual – it’s good to be different
  • Listen and respond appropriately to the views of others
  • Gain the confidence to cope with setbacks and learn from mistakes
  • Take initiative and act responsibly with consideration for others
  • Know the difference between right and wrong and take action for justice
  • Show respect for others and the for the school and community environment
  • Make informed and independent judgements and decisions

Social Development

  • Develop an understanding of their individual and group identity
  • Helping others in the academy and wider community
  • Develop leadership skills and contribute to the community
  • Help others through volunteering
  • Support others through charity work
  • Build and develop networks within the community

Cultural Development

  • Recognise the value and richness of cultural diversity within Open, the local community and Britain
  • Recognise and value individual differences that make a person unique
  • Develop an understanding of the UK's local, national, European, Commonwealth and global community
  • Develop an understanding and awareness of life in modern Britain


All curriculum areas provide opportunities to:

  • Listen and talk to each other.
  • Develop an awareness of treating all as equals, accepting people who are different because of  physical and learning difficulties
  • Agree and disagree
  • Experience and observe good role models
  • Take turns and share ideas and give peers the opportunity to contribute
  • Work co-operatively and collaboratively

Practical activities to develop SMSC across the academy will include:
• Working together in different groupings and situations
• Taking responsibility e.g. Student Voice, Sports Captains, Student Leadership Team, Prefects, Prom    Committee and Community Ambassadors
• Encouraging teamwork in all group activities
• Showing appreciation of the performances of other children regardless of ability
• Meeting people from different cultures and countries (Full International Award)
• Participation in a variety of different educational visits
• Participation in shows and performances
• Non Uniform days to support local charities and one national charity ie. Children in Need
• Visits from writers, inspirational speakers & businesses and participating in workshops eg. Literary Festival
• Opportunities for the students to visit the theatre and see live performances by professional actors, dancers and musicians
• Studying the contributions to society that certain famous, historical and influential people have made

Links with the wider community

  • Visitors are welcomed into our Academy
  • The Academy will support the work of a variety of charities
  • The development of strong home-school communication is regarded as very important, enabling parents/carers and teachers to work in an effective partnership to support the children
  • Students appreciate and take responsibility for their local environment
  • Liaison with local Primary schools to support the primary curriculum e.g. Primary Project and Transition  
  • Student visits and community projects eg. Christmas Hampers, Food Banks

Monitoring and evaluation

Provision for SMSC is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis via:
• Monitoring of teaching and learning and work scrutiny by HoF/SLT/Governors
• Discussions and review at staff, SLT and Governors' meetings
• Audit of the academy curriculum the academy's approach to collective reflection
• Regular Student Voice

We firmly believe that the effective provision and delivery of a curriculum and wider curriculum that serves to accomplish all aspects of SMSC development, will ensure our students develop the skills they need to achieve success and fulfilment in life.



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