Rewards / Sanctions

The Open Academy provides stimulating, exciting learning in a calm, orderly environment. Students are expected to act in a responsible and respectful manner at all times.

Students will learn about social responsibility, justice and their own importance in creating the positive climate that we all desire. The Academy believes that all experiences should be a learning experience and the Academy ethos is based on our core values.

  • Aspiration· Leadership
  • Teamwork· Humility
  • Courage· Hard work
  • Respect· Service
  • Integrity· Forgiveness
  • Thankfulness· Perseverance

The Academy provides a place for students where they feel safe, secure, and cared for. Students are offered continual guidance on appropriate behaviour and they are treated in a fair and consistent way at all times.


Positive behaviour is a choice. Good choices have positive outcomes. Bad choices have negative outcomes.

Our expectations are set out in our Open Rules and in our LEARNT positive behaviour for learning documents.

In addition to the expectations, the following are standards that are expected of students:

• Arrive at the Academy on time each day
• Enter classrooms in an orderly fashion, arriving punctually
• Show respect for the teacher and other students; show self-discipline in the learning situation
• Work to the best of your ability; work deadlines should always be met
• Maintain high standards of appearance and communication 


The Academy recognises that the motivation of students is critical in achieving high standards of students’ behaviour. This is central to our teaching and learning methods and to the way we offer rewards for good work and conduct. Students will be rewarded through House Points, Celebration Assemblies and Awards Evening.

Students will be rewarded for:

  • Good attendance and punctuality
  • Meeting class expectations
  • Contributing to the Academy and wider community
  • Extra-curricular work and activities
  • Completing homework
  • Outstanding effort
  • Outstanding Achievement
  • Outstanding contributions
  • Demonstrating responsibility and holding a position of responsibility
  • Attending revision classes


Rules governing the behaviour expected of students are contained in the Positive Behaviour Culture Policy and there is a clear staging process for sanctioning poor behaviour. All sanctions are designed to support students in changing their behaviour and successfully accessing learning opportunities.


It is recognised that a small minority of students may experience difficulty in maintaining the standard of behaviour expected of them. In such circumstances, the Pastoral Team will work closely with the SENDCO, outside agencies, Senior Leadership and parents to provide the support and discipline necessary for the student to succeed. This will usually take the form of an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or a Pastoral Support Programme (PSP), drawn up and monitored according to County guidelines.

Whilst the Academy actively supports the policy of inclusion, no student will be allowed to consistently and deliberately disrupt the education of others.

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