
The library is open every school day from 8:45-16:00. Students can access the library during tutor time, at breaks, lunches and after school.

Keep up to date with library news and events by following our twitter page: @library_oa

Your voice is important! If you have suggestions for new books or ideas about how to develop the library please contact the librarian at

The Open Academy library has…

• Books to support reading for pleasure and learning including fiction books, magazines, graphic novels, poetry, Barrington Stoke Dyslexia Friendly reads, shelf-help, non-fiction, text books, and revision guides.
• A librarian on hand to give personal advice and recommendations.
• Guided Reading lessons in Year 7 and 8 to support the development of students reading skills.
• Laptops that students can access for homework or private study.
• Support for independent study and guidance on finding reliable research information.
• Wellbeing activities including board games, jigsaw puzzles, crafts and colouring.
• A variety of extra-curricular opportunities including Book Club, Manga and Comics Club, Carnegie Book   Award Shadowing and Warhammer Club (starting soon!)
• Special activities and events throughout the year including quizzes, movie nights, World Book Day   celebrations, reading challenges, author visits, open mic sessions and more.
• Opportunities to help in the library as a pupil librarian.

 Online Library Catalogue

• Look for library books online, reserve books and write reviews on our dedicated library webpage.
• Log into our library webpage here.
• Watch a guide to using the library webpage here.



• Accelerated Reader is a reading programme used with students in Year 7-9.
• This programme is used to support and monitor students independent reading.
• The majority of our library books are on the Accelerated Reader programme. Students can look for a     coloured dot on the spine of a book to check if a book is on the programme and that it is suitable for their   reading ability.
• You can also check if the books you have at home have an Accelerated Reader quiz by checking here.
Parents can find out more here.
Log in and take a quiz here.
• Your username is your school email address (i.e. If you are unsure of your password please check with your English teacher or the librarian.

Norfolk Library Services
A membership to Norfolk Libraries allows students to borrow books from their local library including e-Books and audiobooks, use library computers and Wi-Fi, and access online resources such as Britannica Student to aide with homework. Find out more here and join the library here.

Additional Resources
Supporting Reading at Home
Recommended Reading Lists

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