
A warm welcome to OA6 from our Principal, Jon Ford

Thank you for taking the time to consider our Sixth Form. Open Academy Sixth Form (OA6) has high expectations, with a focus on both academic and vocational success, whilst providing a range of other educational and enrichment opportunities in a very supportive environment. We are a small caring Sixth Form where every student is known and nurtured. We have great success enabling students to becoming work or university ready.

OA6 has a special atmosphere and a visit to us will definitely bring this to life. You will find an exceptional team of people in an inspirational building. Our Sixth Form has dedicated area that foster a mature and supportive learning environment. The students enjoy exceptional facilities with study areas that are separate to the main school. Sixth Form students play an essential part in the life of the Open Academy, setting the standards and acting as role models for our younger students. We provide a wide range of courses and resources designed to help you achieve your ambitions, whether that be in higher education or full-time employment.

Students study appropriate courses and make good progress. We adjust the courses on offer year on year to support the interests of our students. The students really do create our Sixth Form. Further extra-curricular opportunities are provided for students in consultation with tutors and career staff. To achieve such standards, the school fosters a high degree of commitment from its students.

We are passionate about student development and expect our students, parents and carers to share that attitude. It’s all about offering an inspiring education that’s firmly rooted in the real world.

Please take the time to look through what is on offer at OA6 and do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to organise a visit.

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