Physics A Level

Physics is the fascinating study of how the universe works and why it works that way. If you have an interest in why things happen then physics is for you. It is a subject that trains the mind to be precise, logical and exceptionally creative. Engineering is underpinned by physics in all its forms. This is because without physics there is no understanding of how things work and therefore no development of science and technology.

About the subject
Alongside studying the topics on the syllabus, you will also complete a Practical Endorsement which will be reported on separately from the A-Level grade. It involves a minimum of 12 practical activities undertaken in class to demonstrate skills such as:
Measuring to a precision
Write papers for publication
Designing experiments to test theories
Evaluating theories that describe the universe including questions such as Where do we come from?

What will you study?
You will study the following topics:
Measurements and their errors
Particles and radiation
Mechanics and materials
Further mechanics and thermal physics
Fields and their consequences
Nuclear physics
There are optional topics including:
Medical physics
Engineering physics
Turning points in physics

Where does it lead?
A Level physics leads to careers in maths, engineering, pure science, applied science, astronomy, philosophy, banking, computing as well as the myriad of jobs in physics itself. Archaeologists to zoologists all use physics at times.

Entry requirements: Five 4-9 grades at GCSE, including English Language and a grade 6 or above in maths and two sciences.

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