Health & Social Care BTEC Level 3

The course offers a broad basis of study in the health and social care sector. The qualification is designed to support progression to higher education when taken as part of a programme of study that includes other appropriate BTEC Nationals or A-Levels.

How does the course work?
The qualification is made up of 4 units. You will study two units each year. Unit one is an exam and marked externally and the second is a course work unit that will be marked internally with the final grade verified by another member of the teaching staff. Three of the units are compulsory with the fourth unit decided by the class.

In year 1 you will study:

Human Lifespan Development - exam 

Meeting Individual Care and Support Needs - coursework

In year 2 you will study:

Working in Health and Social Care - exam 

To be decided by the class. You will be able to retake the exams to improve your grade if necessary

At the beginning of each assignment you will be given an assignment brief. You should always be aware exactly what it is you need to do to get ‘pass’, ‘merit’ or ‘distinction’ level.

Where does it lead?
Medicine, Nursing, Midwifery, Radiologist, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Bio Medicine, Mental Health Workers to include counselling, The Police, Teaching, Probation Service, Social Work, Carers, Health Care Assistants, Psychologists, Criminology, Pastoral Support, Charities.

This course will appeal to students who enjoy studying a subject that is relevant to their own lives and experience. The course offers the opportunity for you to develop key transferable skills such as
independent research, oral and written communication and group work.

Entry requirements: Five 4-9 grades at GCSE.

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