About the subject
The Extended Project Qualification is a one year, level 3 course that we recommend students’ study alongside the three A-levels that they are pursuing. The aim of the course is to provide students with some of the academic skills necessary for higher education, such as research skills, referencing, dissertation writing and editing.
On the Extended Project course, students are given the freedom to select a topic or question that they wish to study. Usually, students select a question that is related to the university course or career that they which to enter or a particular passion or interest they have. Students then conduct their own research into that topic before preparing a dissertation and presentation on their chosen title.

What will you study?
You could study any title related to your future university or career plans. Below are just a few of the examples that previous students have investigated:

Law - Should the UK imprison those convicted of non-violent crimes?

Medicine - Should organ donation be compulsory?

Economics - Should the UK introduce a tax on sugary drinks?

Politics - Should the UK adopt the US electoral model?

Education - Should UK students repeat a school year if they fail to meet end of year criteria?

History - To what extent did the failing of Nazi high command contribute to the loss of the battle of Stalingrad?

Sport - Should the Premier League introduce a wage cap?

Where does it lead?
The Extended Project is popular with universities as it demonstrates that you already have experience of university-style study and assessment. Many universities even lower their entry requirements for students that have completed the Extended Project Course. The course also provides students with additional UCAS points.

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