Biology A Level

Biology is the fascinating study of living things. The subject examines how the function and interact with each other and their surroundings. The course looks at the wide range of living things that exist, how they obtain their energy and how their cells perform the chemical reactions needed to keep the organism alive. The inheritance of genes from one generation to the next and biotechnological advances in genetic engineering are studied in detail and provide interesting facts as well as extremely relevant moral issues for our times.

About the subject
Alongside studying the topics on the syllabus, you will also complete a Practical Endorsement which will be reported on separately from the A-Level grade. It involves a minimum of 12 practical activities undertaken in class to demonstrate skills such as:
• Microscopy
• Dissection
• Sampling Techniques
• Transport in and out of cells
• Qualitative testing

What will you study?
You will Study topics such as:
• Development of practical skills in biology
• Foundations in biology
• Exchange and transport
• Biodiversity, evolution and disease

Where does it lead?
If you thinking of any careers in Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Veterinary Science, Environmental Studies or General Biological Research then Biology will provide a useful start to that career if not proving to be an essential requirement for course entry.

Entry requirements: Five 4-9 grades at GCSE, including English, maths and a grade 6 or above in two sciences

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