Art A Level

About the subject
This course provides the ideal platform for any student wishing to pursue the extensive career opportunities in the design or creative and visual arts field. Practical work and critical awareness play an important part in the course; students should be prepared to analyse their own work and the work of others.

During Key Stage 5 you will have more say over what you do in Art than ever before.

Although you will have to cover a range of skills, set out by the examining board, we want the work to be yours, not just something we have set.
You must take responsibility to meet objectives as these will ensure you get good grades when completed successfully.
This is particularly important in Year 13 where you will choose how you tackle the themes we give you and what art materials you use.

Studying Art at A-Level can be very rewarding, encouraging you to use parts of your brain that other subjects don’t. It develops creative thinking skills which are becoming ever more important in the jobs market, indeed the Creative Industries is one of the largest and fastest growing employment sectors in the UK. Many of our students have gone on to study Fine Art, Illustration and Graphic Design at university.

This course provides the ideal platform for any student wishing to pursue the extensive career opportunities in the design or the creative and visual arts field. Practical work and critical awareness play an important part in the course; students should be prepared to analyse their own work and the work of others.

Entry requirements: Five 4-9 grades at GCSE including English and a 5 in Art.

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