Reporting Absence

Sixth Form students are expected to attend Tutor time from 8.40am every day. In the case of an unforeseen absence, such as illness, a parent should ring the main Academy absence line on the morning of every day of absence.

Open Academy takes attendance in the Sixth Form very seriously and we acknowledge that good school attendance plays an essential part in academic development for post 16 students.
All post 16 courses are intensive and students cannot afford to miss valuable teaching and study time.


For planned absences, such as university visits or interviews for apprenticeships, jobs, etc. students must complete an absence request form at least a week in advance.
The following information provides a guide to Absences that can be authorised. Where possible you should inform the Sixth Form Office, located on the second floor, BEFORE your absence with the necessary EVIDENCE.

Absences that CAN be authorised are:

• An evidenced (emergency) medical appointment which cannot be arranged outside Academy hours
• Hospital appointments/hospitalisation – authorised by appointment letter
• Young carers’ responsibilities (emergency)
• Attendance at a funeral of a relative or close friend/compassionate leave
• An official religious holiday, pertinent to your faith
• Attendances at a university open day/interview or a careers related appointment
• A driving/theory test – authorised by your DVLA letter
• Participation in an activity which reflects a significant personal achievement
• Work experience
• Educational visits, residential visits or field trips
• Sporting events
• Sickness covered by either a parental note or a phone call to the Academy
  (Absence: 01603 481640)

These absences will only be authorised if you can provide the relevant evidence i.e. letters, documents etc.

Absences that WILL NOT be authorised are:

• Doctors/Dentist/Opticians appointments, unless an emergency appointment(see ‘Absences that CAN be    authorised’ section above)
• Holidays during term time(unless exceptional circumstances)
• Part or full time work which conflicts with your programme of study
• Leisure activities, birthdays or similar celebrations
• Babysitting younger siblings
• Shopping
• Driving lesson

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