

A high standard of personal appearance is expected at all times. Students must wear correct uniform.  Please ensure all items of clothing are named.

The wearing of school uniform makes an important contribution to the tone and reputation of the Academy and is therefore compulsory for all students in Years 7 – 11.

The Academy takes pride in the appearance of its students’ and we are grateful for the continued co-operation of parents in maintaining standards.

Purchase of School Uniform

Open Academy Blazers, ties and our PE Shirts which are all compulsory will be available for you to order along with other uniform items which are available elsewhere.

There will be the option to have your delivery sent direct to your address, or if you prefer, it can be delivered into the academy for you or your child to collect. In term time there will be deliveries into the academy on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month.

Click on the following link to view the Price & Buckland website. 



If needed we will set some dates in the summer holiday for uniform collection but will advise of these at a later date via the Open Academy website and Facebook.

Not all students choose to wear a jumper under their blazers but if one is worn it must be an Open Academy jumper which can also be purchased via the Price & Buckland website.

We will always hold a supply of ties in the academy for any late minute purchase via + pay

Lost property should be handed in to and collected from reception. All lost property will be disposed of during main school holidays so please check regularly if you have lost anything.

Our uniform rules are as follows –

Hairstyles: Hair should be a natural colour. Students with long hair must fasten it back in laboratories or during practical activities. Extreme hairstyles are not allowed. This includes hair dyed unnatural colours and distinctive designs shaved in the hair – students will be asked to change the style within the week.

Jewellery: For health and safety reasons, jewellery is not permitted in the Academy. The exceptions to this rule are small studs in pierced ears – one in each lower lobe, one small single nose stud and a watch. ‘Stretcher’ type ear studs are not allowed.

 To clarify, the only jewellery permitted is:

  • One pair of small studs, one in each lower lobe
  • One small single nose stud
  • A wristwatch

Outdoor wear: Any sensible, weatherproof outdoor garment is permitted.
(no denim, leather jackets or hooded sweatshirts).

The rules apply not just in the Academy but travelling to and from the Academy. Our students’ are Open Academy Ambassadors at all times.


Item Description  
Blazer Open Academy Blazers, ties and our PE Shirts are all compulsory and available from:  Price & Buckland blazer

Black and teal stripe

To be worn at a normal length and knotted to the neck

Shoes Plain black polished shoes only. No training or other similar sports shoes (regardless of colour), no boots, no ‘designer’ shoes boys shoes
Socks / tights Plain dark socks
Trousers / Tailored Shorts / Skirt

Plain black trousers should be worn pulled up to the waist and it is permitted to wear a plain thin black belt with an unobtrusive buckle.

Plain black knee length skirt.

Not "skinny" style, hipsters or with unnecessary accoutrements (extra zips, buckles etc.)

boys trousers
Jumper (optional)


Black v-neck jumper with teal trim


Shirt / Blouse

Plain, white, long sleeved or short sleeved (not polo style)

To be buttoned to the neck and tucked in at all times.



PE Kit

Black Polo Shirt Black with Open Academy logo Picture23
Shorts Plain black shorts
PE Socks Plain black or white  
Optional Black wet weather jacket, tracksuit bottoms plain black, thermal base layer plain black for upper and lower body  
Astro turf trainers   astro turf trainers
Football boots and shin pads Rubber moulded studs  
Shin pads Are compulsory for rugby, football  
Mouth shields Compulsory for rugby  



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